Don't be duped into a dud
Maintenance fees on a new build home in Great Denham is a blank cheque to the developers.
The design features of the Great Denham estate have been purposely designed to pump money into estate management companies that the builders have written into the deeds with no limits, no service level agreements and no scruples. Instead of paying a commuted sum to the council and having the communal land adopted by the Borough Council to be managed, the land is kept by a private company which is then farmed out to companies to "manage" which are unsurprisingly linked heavily at director level to the builders. The fees for these tiny areas of land that are incredibly poorly maintained, if ever, are extortionate and ever increasing with massive undescribed "administration fees".
Furthermore, the Borough Council, not wanting to be left out on the action, levy an additional roof tax on the area, which again is unbounded and incredibly opaque. Most of this money is to maintain land outside of Great Denham. That's all on top of one of the highest council taxes in the country.
To add insult to injury, this could have easily been mitigated at the design phase by following the advice of those that know better and have lived this over and over again on all the other phases of development in the village. The advice of, the Borough Highways and Waste Management departments were specifically ignored by the planning officers, in addition to the objections from the Police and the local Parish Council and Ward Councillor along with many other statutory consultees.